Category Archives: Flowers

15 Pictures – Tulips
May 9, 2013 posted by 15 Pictures

15 Pictures - Tulips

  After roses, tulips are one of the most beautiful flowers.  They come in loads of diferent colors, shapes and sizes.. Some even come in multiple colors, and look like…

15 Pictures – Cactus
May 4, 2013 posted by 15 Pictures

15 Pictures - Cactus

  Probably the most underappreciated plants, because they can hurt you real good if you are not careful with them. What most people forget is that they can look pretty…

15 Pictures – Roses
April 27, 2013 posted by 15 Pictures

15 Pictures - Roses

  A rose is a woody perennial of the genus Rosa, within the family Rosaceae. There are over 100 species. They form a group of plants that can be erect shrubs, climbing or trailing with stems that…